Rudolph Sapford
Player Name: Scribble fag
Name: Rudolph Sapford
Occupation: Photographer
Colleges, Degrees: BS
Birthplace: Mavotteville MA
Mental Disorders:
Sex: Male Age: 24
Strength Dexterity Intelligence Constitution Appearance Power Size Education
15 9 12 13 9 10 11 18
Sanity Max Sanity Indefinite Insanity Luck Knowledge Idea Damage Bonus
45 50 10 50 18 90 1D4
Hit Points Max Hit Points Magic Points
12 12 10
Name Base Modified Name Base Modified
Accounting 10% 70 Natural history 10% 20
Aircraft Maintenance 05% Navigate 10% 15
Anthropology 01% Operate Heavy Machinery 01%
Archaeology 01% Other Language(s) (Specify) 01%
Art(s) (Specify) 05% Elder Thing Cipher 01%
Astronomy 01% Own Language (Specify) EduX5%
Bargain 05% 10 Persuade 15% 80
Biology 01% Pharmacy 01%
Block Dex X2% Photography 10% 80
Chemistry 01% Physics 01%
Climb 40% Pilot (Specify) 01%
Conceal 15% Polar Survival 01%
Craft(s) (Specify) 05% Physics 01% 51
Credit Rating 15% Psychoanalysis 01%
Cthulhu Mythos Psychology 05% 45
Disguise 01% Radio Operator 01%
Dodge Dex X2% 18 Ride 05%
Drive Auto 20% Sneak 10%
Drive Dog Sled 20% Spot Hidden 25% 50
Electrical Repair 10% 20 Swim 25%
Explosives 01% Throw 25%
Fast Talk 05% Track 10%
First Aid 30% Firearms & Weapons
Geology 01% Handgun 20%
Hide 10% Machine Gun 15%
History 20% Rifle 25%
Jump 25% Shotgun 30%
Law 05% SMG 15%
Library Use 25% 35 Fist 50%
Listen 25% 35 Grapple 25%
Locksmith 01% Head 10%
Martial Arts 01% Kick 25%
Mechanical Repair 20% Others (Specify)
Medicine 05%
Meteorology 05%
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