Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Score 0 10 20 10 10 10
Bonus -10 0 +5 0 0 0
~Combat statistics
Name Base Specialization
Attack 6 None
Defense 6 3 dodge
~ Saves
Name Bonus Bought Total
Toughness 5 0 5
Fort 5 7 12 (over cap)
Reflex 0 7 7
Will 0 7 7
Stealth 8
Sneak 8
Name Rank
Hide in plain sight
Determination 1
Flight 2 Points a rank 6 Ranks
Drawback Afraid of heights +1
telekinesis 6  dynamic alternate         (14)
suffocate alternate powered           (1)
kinetic control (acts as blast) dynamic alternate powered    (2)
snare dynamic alternate powered    (2)
burrow alternate powered    (1)

blindsight using telekinesis but feelable by others  (3)

telepathy 6  (12)
immunity (suffocation) (critical hits) (aging) (sleep) (starving)  (7)

healing crotch herbs 1 (2)
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